Lets break down the average day for the average American. Wake up. Sit eating breakfast. Get in car to sit and drive the office where we sit for 8-10 hours a day in front of a computer. Get back in your car and drive home. Sit and eat dinner. Sit and watch TV or read. Go to bed. That is A LOT of SITTING!!!!  Is sitting really that bad for us? Lets dive into some of the areas that it effects.

Risks of prolonged sitting:

Increased Risk of Chronic Diseases:

Sitting for extended periods has been linked to an increased risk of chronic health conditions such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and certain cancers. The lack of movement can negatively impact metabolism, leading to weight gain and heightened insulin resistance. All bad things.

Musculoskeletal Issues:

Sitting for prolonged periods can cause musculoskeletal problems, including back and neck pain, tight hips, and poor posture. The lack of movement can weaken muscles and lead to stiffness, contributing to discomfort and reduced mobility.

Cardiovascular Health:

Studies have shown that prolonged sitting can negatively impact cardiovascular health. Reduced blood flow and muscle contractions can lead to poor circulation, increasing the risk of blood clots and other cardiovascular issues.

Mental Health:

Interestingly, excessive sitting has also been associated with poor mental health outcomes, including increased feelings of anxiety and depression. Lack of physical activity can affect mood-regulating hormones, impacting mental well-being.

Now, all of the above has a dramatic negative effect on our quality of life and dramatically increases the chances for future health problems. So what should you do about it? MOVE. Get up and move. Even if it is for short bouts throughout the day. I’m sure you’ve heard at some point that motion is lotion.  I hate this saying, not because it isn’t true, just don’t like the phrase. Constant movement is so important. It benefits literally every body system we have. So GET UP and GET MOVING! Your present and future self will thank you for it.

Sam Fischer

Sam Fischer